4 Last Minute Summer Projects For Your Home, Start Today!

Sum­mer is slow­ly com­ing to an end. It’s not too last to com­plete some last minute items to your home. Here are five fun sum­mer projects you can do at home! Make it a fam­i­ly project, update your home, enter­tain, cre­ate a new stor­age space! Here are some projects you can do your­self! Be care­ful, but be cre­ative and have fun!

Do it Your­self Projects to Com­plete before sum­mer ends!

Update and uti­lize old dressers and stor­age units. You can nev­er have too much stor­age! Add a touch of flare to old

cab­i­nets and dressers with mod­ern glass and shelv­ing! Sand, stain/paint, et voila!

before and after cabinet

glass cabinet


Update the sink faucets. Add piz­zazz to your kitchen and bath­rooms with updat­ed faucets!


Let your cre­ative juices flow with land­scap­ing your front or back yard! Start a new gar­den with flow­ers
or veg­eta­bles! Reuse and recy­cle old buck­ets and wag­ons with fresh herbs. Have fun, and be cre­ative in
uti­liz­ing your out­door space!

garden flower


 Let Mar­shall update your home

Here are some ser­vices you may not know that we pro­vide to our
North­ern Vir­ginia and Mary­land clients!

New Shut­ters, win­dow trim, or update your deck from our Car­pen­ters. We pro­vide many ser­vices. One
that you may not be aware is our car­pen­try divi­sion. The mod­ern­iza­tion that new
wood work pro­vides is invaluable! 


Replace old gut­ters, update rail­ings, paint wood trim, fix wood rot, or replace miss­ing shin­gles. There are so many things we can do to update your home. Be sure to call for your free estimate!

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