Rain Rain Go Away















Rain? Don’t fret! 

It has been rain­ing a lot late­ly. North­ern Vir­ginia and Mary­land roofs have expe­ri­enced a lot this year! Wind­storms, rain, and hail OH MY! This is the time that leaks are dis­cov­ered, shin­gles have been blown off, seals are bro­ken. But we are hap­py to let you know that your roof’s safe­ty is impor­tant to us. We have ded­i­cat­ed years to pro­tect­ing roofs in this area. Don’t fret if you dis­cov­er a leak, give us a call. We are here to help you! Some­times it can be an easy fix that does not require a roof replace­ment! Be kind to your roof and call Marshall!!!

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