Marshall Roofing is Hiring: Service Manager

Ser­vice Manager

Who we are:

Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & Win­dows has been ser­vic­ing VA & MD cus­tomers for 40 years and con­tin­ue to grow each year.  We are a top roof­ing, sid­ing, win­dows, doors, and gut­ters com­pa­ny locat­ed in Lor­ton, VA.  We are also one of the few roof­ing com­pa­nies that offer roof repair ser­vices and light car­pen­try work.  We take pride in pro­vid­ing the high­est lev­el of cus­tomer ser­vice and thrive to give 100% home­own­er sat­is­fac­tion con­sis­tent­ly.  We are an A+ rat­ed com­pa­ny with BBB, Angie’s List, Wash­ing­ton Con­sumers’ Check Book.  We offer com­pet­i­tive pay, 2 weeks’ vaca­tion, medical/dental ben­e­fits, 401K plans, and month­ly bonus incentives. 

What we are look­ing for:

Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & Win­dows is look­ing for a self-moti­vat­ed, com­mit­ted, pas­sion­ate leader to man­age our busy Ser­vice Depart­ment.  If you have a “get it done” atti­tude and have the dri­ve to find a solu­tion to every prob­lem, you may be the one that we are look­ing for.  We want some­one who builds trust, val­ues oth­ers, fos­ters inno­va­tions, focus­es on the cus­tomer, col­lab­o­rates with oth­ers, and solves prob­lems cre­ative­ly.  We need a per­son who leads divi­sion growth, sets division’s tone and culture. 


  • Office Hours: Mon­day-Fri­day 7–4pm
  • Must be avail­able to answer calls after work hours and weekends
  • 50–60 hours per week dur­ing busy season
  • Asso­ciates or Bachelor’s Degree required
  • Min­i­mum 3 years of proven expe­ri­ence (Con­struc­tion or Roof­ing experience)
  • Reports to work on time and noti­fies super­vi­sor of time need­ed 30 days in advance
  • Abil­i­ty to meet deadlines
  • Great time man­age­ment and prob­lem-solv­ing skills
  • Must have exquis­ite atten­tion to detail and orga­ni­za­tion­al skills
  • Must have the pas­sion to assist peo­ple with gen­uine inter­est and concern
  • Must pos­sess the abil­i­ty to com­mu­ni­cate pos­i­tive­ly and clear­ly with staff and customers
  • Must pos­sess the abil­i­ty to mul­ti-task and type at least 50 words per minute
  • Pro­fi­cient in MS Office (Out­look, Excel, Word) and QuickBooks
  • Per­forms oth­er duties as assigned

Man­age­ment Functions:

  • Man­ages and leads Ser­vice Divi­sion towards success
  • Man­ages Ser­vice techs’ time/attendance
  • Con­ducts week­ly ser­vice meet­ings and month­ly safe­ty meet­ings with staff
  • Cre­ate policies/procedures and sys­tems to track cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion and month­ly reports to track job profitability
  • Iden­ti­fies and resolves issues promptly
  • Ensures Ser­vice Division’s sched­ule is fol­lowed dai­ly and prop­er­ly scheduled
  • Com­mu­ni­cates with cus­tomers and staff of sched­ule changes/delays
  • Review/inputs pro­pos­als in Mar­ket­Sharp soft­ware and sends to customer
  • Orders job mate­ri­als need­ed for repairs
  • Respon­si­ble for Ser­vice Division’s Accounts Receivables
  • Ensures all invoices/payments are accu­rate­ly entered into Quick­Books and sent to cus­tomer after job completion

Human Resources Functions:

  • Recruits/hires ser­vice techs/administrative staff
  • Con­ducts back­ground checks
  • Process­es on-board­ing paperwork
  • Com­piles and audits week­ly payroll
  • Tracks month­ly bonuses

Admin­is­tra­tive Functions:

  • Sched­ules repair jobs and war­ran­ty calls
  • Enters prospects, leads and customer’s infor­ma­tion accu­rate­ly into Mar­ket­Sharp software
  • Assists in answer­ing phones calls and sched­ul­ing estimates


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