Hardie Plank

HardiePlank® lap sid­ing is the most pop­u­lar brand of sid­ing in Amer­i­ca and can be found on over 5.5 mil­lion homes. With its strength, beau­ty and dura­bil­i­ty, HardiePlank® sid­ing enhances and pro­tects homes in all kinds of climates—and now, with the HardieZone® Sys­tem, James Hardie pro­vides sid­ing with spe­cif­ic per­for­mance attrib­ut­es rel­a­tive to the cli­mate where the prod­uct is being used. James Hardie now gives you the opti­mum sid­ing for your home and cli­mate, regard­less of location.

All HardiePlank® lap sid­ing comes in a vari­ety of looks and tex­tures, all of which are engi­neered for cli­mate. We are so sure about how well the HardieZone sys­tem will per­form, HardiePlank® lap sid­ing comes with a 30-year non-pro­rat­ed, trans­fer­able, lim­it­ed warranty

our strongest war­ran­ty ever.




Mis­sion State­ment: Our objec­tive is to pro­vide our cus­tomers with the high­est qual­i­ty roof­ing, sid­ing, win­dows, gut­ters, and entry door work in the North­ern Vir­ginia & Mary­land areas by offer­ing expe­ri­ence, effi­cien­cy, high qual­i­ty prod­ucts, cus­tomized projects, and the best cus­tomer ser­vice. Our goal is 100% cus­tomer satisfaction.

Vision State­ment: Our vision is to be the best roof­ing, sid­ing, win­dows, gut­ters, and entry door replace­ment com­pa­ny in the North­ern Vir­ginia and Mary­land area. Our vision is cen­tered on the cus­tomers’ needs and vision of their home. 

Core Val­ues: Our moti­va­tion in each project is direct­ed from our core val­ues. Each core val­ue is cen­tered on the cus­tomer and includes: old time val­ues, con­cern for the cus­tomer, offer­ing the cus­tomer the best prod­ucts, and giv­ing the cus­tomer the best price for the high qual­i­ty products.