Let­ting nat­ur­al light per­me­ate your liv­ing or work space is key to design­ing a com­fort­able liv­ing or work space – one that you will enjoy for years to come. Replac­ing your old, inef­fi­cient, high-main­te­nance win­dows is a great way to not only beau­ti­fy your home or office, but also to add val­ue and curb appeal to your build­ing, reduce your ener­gy costs year-round, and reduce the time and ener­gy that you waste on clean­ing and main­tain­ing your windows.

Fixed Windows

Fixed win­dows are just what one might assume – fixed in place. They do not open, but still pro­vide unique char­ac­ter to any home.  These win­dows come in a vari­ety of shapes and grids can be added for fur­ther customization. 

Awning Windows

These strong win­dows will improve any home’s appear­ance.  Awning win­dows cre­ate ven­ti­la­tion in any type of weath­er, as the win­dow tilts open at the bot­tom.  The stur­dy met­al roto gear cre­ates easy open­ing and closing.

Bow/Bay Windows

Bow/Bay win­dows cap­ture the world out­side your home, as they expand the view from any liv­ing or din­ing room.  These beau­ti­ful win­dows will bring plen­ty of light into a room, bright­en­ing up your home.

Casement Windows

Case­ment win­dows have a met­al gear that opens the win­dows com­plete­ly out­ward, allow­ing com­plete ven­ti­la­tion.  This is a great win­dow for catch­ing breezes.  Mul­ti­ple grid and col­or options are avail­able to improve your home’s appearance.

Double Hung Window

A type of win­dow that has an upper (out­side) sash that slides down and a low­er (inside) sash that slides up.  It is a ver­ti­cal oper­at­ing window.

Single Hung Window

The sin­gle hung win­dow fea­tures a sta­tion­ary top and a mov­able bot­tom half.  One or more lock­ing devices are fur­nished to secure the sash in the closed position.

Sliding Windows

Slid­ing win­dows open hor­i­zon­tal­ly and they are latched at the mid­dle of the two win­dows, cre­at­ing a tighter seal for the win­dow.  Mul­ti­ple glass and grid options are available.


  • Dou­ble Pane
  • Lam­i­nat­ed
  • Low E
  • Obscure
  • Sin­gle Pane
  • Tem­pered
  • Tint­ed
Dou­ble Pane

is formed when two pieces of glass are spaced apart and sealed to form a sin­gle-glazed unit with an air space in between the two pieces of glass. This air space cre­ates insu­la­tion for the win­dow, keep­ing heat inside the home dur­ing cold weather.


is cre­at­ed by join­ing two or more pieces of glass togeth­er with an inner lay­er of trans­par­ent plas­tic. It is designed to retain adher­ence of glass on the plas­tic lay­er in the event of break­age. Lam­i­nat­ed glass is four times more impact resis­tant than non-tem­pered glass. It also is very effec­tive in reduc­ing sound trans­mis­sion through the window.

Low E

is a low emis­siv­i­ty glass that has a trans­par­ent coat­ing on it. This coat­ing acts as a ther­mal mir­ror, as it reflects radi­ant heat and allows the pas­sage of vis­i­ble light. In hot cli­mates, Low E glass reflects solar heat, keep­ing the inside of your home cool­er. In cold cli­mates, Low E glass reflects the radi­ant heat back into the house, keep­ing your home warm.


s used for pri­va­cy, dec­o­ra­tion or light dif­fu­sion. A design is pressed into the glass dur­ing the rolling process and this design makes the glass translu­cent, allow­ing light to pass through, but cre­at­ing a blurred surface.

Sin­gle Pane

is exact­ly what one would assume. Because it con­sists of only one pane of glass, it is not insu­lat­ed in any way and is there­fore con­sid­ered very inef­fi­cient with respect to ener­gy con­ser­va­tion. It is not uncom­mon to be able to feel the tem­per­a­ture dif­fer­ence next to a sin­gle-pane win­dow ver­sus the rest of the room. Old­er build­ings were built almost exclu­sive­ly with sin­gle-pane windows.


is reheat­ed to a tem­per­a­ture right below its melt­ing point and is then cooled quick­ly. This process makes the glass much stronger than reg­u­lar glass. Tem­pered glass is designed to spread force and break into many small­er pieces upon impact.


reduces both visu­al and radi­ant trans­mit­tance in the win­dow. It reduces heat trans­fer, as it fil­ters out ultra­vi­o­let light. The tint is cre­at­ed when a min­er­al called Admix­ture is added to the glass.


Sky­lights are essen­tial­ly roof-mount­ed win­dows. Because of their mount­ing loca­tion, though, sky­lights typ­i­cal­ly do not open more than 30–50% but can make an unbe­liev­able dif­fer­ence in the aes­thet­ics of your home or office. Elec­tric, remote con­trolled mech­a­nisms are even avail­able for hard-to-reach skylights. 


The VELUX deck mount­ed and now curb mount­ed prod­uct fam­i­ly is des­ig­nat­ed The No Leak Skylight. 


Tubu­lar sun tun­nel sky­lights that bring bright nat­ur­al sun­light to any room!


A bal­cony in dis­guise When closed, the CABRIO looks like two roof win­dows joined together.