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🏘️Why Landmark Pro Shingles Are a Game Changer

Thursday, April 11th, 2024

Why Landmark Pro Shingles are a game changer Sale

When it comes to upgrad­ing your home, the choic­es can feel over­whelm­ing. From sid­ing to win­dows, every deci­sion plays a part in cre­at­ing the per­fect haven for your fam­i­ly. But let’s talk about the crown jew­el of your home­’s exte­ri­or – the roof. At Mar­shall Roof­ing, we under­stand the impor­tance of qual­i­ty, dura­bil­i­ty, and, of course, curb appeal. That’s why we’re excit­ed to shine a spot­light on one of our favorite roof­ing solu­tions: Land­mark Pro Shingles.


We all know that Moth­er Nature can be unpre­dictable, and your roof needs to stand up to what­ev­er she throws its way. With Land­mark Pro Shin­gles, you can rest easy know­ing that your home is pro­tect­ed by indus­try-lead­ing tech­nol­o­gy. These shin­gles are heav­ier with a CLASS 3 Impact Rat­ing & upgrad­ed 30 year Streak­fight­er algae-resis­tance war­ran­ty. Engi­neered to with­stand the harsh­est weath­er con­di­tions, from scorch­ing sum­mers to icy win­ters and every­thing in between.


With a wide range of MAX Def­i­n­i­tion col­or palettes and styles, you can cus­tomize your roof to per­fect­ly com­ple­ment your home­’s aes­thet­ic. Whether you pre­fer the clas­sic look of slate or the rus­tic charm of wood shake, there’s a Land­mark Pro Shin­gle that’s just right for you.


Of course, we can’t for­get about per­for­mance. Land­mark Pro Shin­gles are designed to pro­vide supe­ri­or pro­tec­tion, help­ing you keep your home com­fort­able year-round. Plus, with their low-main­te­nance design, you can spend less time wor­ry­ing about your roof and more time enjoy­ing life’s moments.

We want to help all of our neigh­bors achieve that so our free roof upgrade pro­mo­tion for April means that now is the per­fect time to expe­ri­ence the ben­e­fits of Land­mark Pro Shin­gles for your­self. Upgrade your home to top-of-the-line roof­ing at no extra cost. Hap­py Spring!


Mar­shall Roof­ing Family

November 2023 Newsletter

Tuesday, November 21st, 2023

10% OFF Window Installations!

As the leaves change and the weath­er cools, it’s the per­fect time to update your home­’s win­dows. Take advan­tage of our lim­it­ed-time offer and enjoy a 10% dis­count on all Pel­la win­dow instal­la­tions. From improved ener­gy effi­cien­cy to enhanced curb appeal, our expert team is here to make your home cozi­er and more beau­ti­ful this autumn.

Thanksgiving Food Drive!

The 2023 hol­i­day sea­son has begun & to spread Mar­shall Roof­ing Cheer we are doing the RCC Thanks­giv­ing food drive!

Marshall Roofing’s New Showroom!

Our boys are proud­ly tear­ing down and rebuild­ing our Man­as­sas shop to trans­form it into our remod­el­ing show­room! This is a big tran­si­tion in our lives and could­n’t have done it with out you all. We will be excit­ed to invite you to our grand opening!

Don’t Leaf Your Gutters to Chance! Discover the Leaf-Loving Secrets 

If you’re lucky enough to live in a wood­ed area, you already know the breath­tak­ing beau­ty that sur­rounds you. How­ev­er, you’re also famil­iar with the end­less bat­tle against clogged gut­ters, and the hav­oc they wreak on your home. But fear not, because Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing, and Win­dows has a solu­tion that’s both effec­tive and as fun as a pile of leaves!

Let’s face it – leaves, pine nee­dles, and oth­er debris falling into your gut­ters can be a real headache. But gut­ter guards are here to save the day! These nifty devices are like a fortress for your gut­ters, pre­vent­ing leaves and debris from clog­ging up the works. They’re par­tic­u­lar­ly vital if you live in a wood­ed area, as nature’s boun­ty can quick­ly over­whelm your home­’s drainage sys­tem. Here’s why gut­ter guards are the heroes you need:

1. No More Per­ilous Climbs: With gut­ter guards, say good­bye to those risky lad­der-climb­ing expe­di­tions to clean your gut­ters. Your safe­ty is a top priority!

2. Year-Round Pro­tec­tion: Gut­ter guards keep leaves out dur­ing fall, snow and ice in win­ter, and even pesky crit­ters that like to nest in your gut­ters dur­ing spring and summer.

3. Pre­serve Your Home: Clogged gut­ters can lead to water dam­age, struc­tur­al issues, and even mold growth. Gut­ter guards pro­tect your home and save you mon­ey in the long run.

4. Easy Breezy Water Flow: No more wor­ry­ing about water over­flow­ing dur­ing heavy rain. Gut­ter guards ensure prop­er drainage, so you can relax and enjoy the fall rain showers.

Fall is beau­ti­ful, but it’s even bet­ter when you can enjoy it with­out the wor­ry of clogged gut­ters. Get ready to leaf your wor­ries behind and embrace the sea­son with open arms.

Don’t miss out on this sea­son’s leaf-sav­ing secret – con­tact us now for a free consultation!

Click here to sched­ule a free con­sul­ta­tion for Leaf Relief Ter­mi­na­tor & Easy On!

How Small Renovations Speed Up the Path to Homeownership

Thursday, November 16th, 2023

Dear Real­tors,

As experts in the real estate mar­ket, you know how cru­cial it is for your clients to find their dream homes. At Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing, and Win­dows, we want to col­lab­o­rate with you to help your clients reach their home­own­er­ship goals quick­er, right here in Lor­ton, Virginia. 

🔑 How Small Ren­o­va­tions Speed Up the Path to Homeownership: 

1. Increase Prop­er­ty Val­ue: Even minor ren­o­va­tions like upgrad­ing roof­ing or refresh­ing sid­ing can sig­nif­i­cant­ly ele­vate a prop­er­ty’s val­ue. This strate­gic enhance­ment not only makes your list­ings more attrac­tive but also posi­tions them favor­ably in the market.

2. Boost Curb Appeal: A well-main­tained exte­ri­or is a mag­net for poten­tial buy­ers. By rec­om­mend­ing improve­ments such as new win­dows or sid­ing updates, you’re not just enhanc­ing the look but also ensur­ing a faster sale when the time comes. 

3. Bud­get-Wise Solu­tions: We under­stand the impor­tance of cost-effec­tive strate­gies. Our team spe­cial­izes in ren­o­va­tions that offer opti­mal results with­in var­i­ous bud­get ranges, ensur­ing your clients’ sat­is­fac­tion while max­i­miz­ing their prop­er­ty’s value. 

🛠️ Why Part­ner with Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing, and Windows? 

With our proven track record in Lor­ton, Vir­ginia, we pride our­selves on deliv­er­ing excep­tion­al qual­i­ty and unmatched exper­tise. Our goal is to add tan­gi­ble val­ue to your list­ings through top-tier ren­o­va­tions, mak­ing your job eas­i­er and your clients happier.

March 2021 Newsletter — Limited Time — Free Contoured Grids On All Windows

Friday, March 19th, 2021

Learn about five of the most com­mon roof leak caus­es and check out of lat­est win­dow offer. 

Signs your roof may need replacement

Friday, March 19th, 2021

1) Your roof is discolored

The sun and oth­er weath­er ele­ments, such as rain, snow, and sleet, can take a toll on your roof’s appear­ance. The col­or change could indi­cate dete­ri­o­ra­tion of your roof, not to men­tion it detracts from your home­’s curb appeal. If you plan to sell your home short­ly, it’s worth not­ing that a com­pro­mised roof can com­pli­cate a hous­ing sale in a hur­ry. The dis­col­oration is unat­trac­tive, and new home buy­ers are sure to notice.

discolored roof

2) Neighbors are getting new roofs

Neigh­bor­hoods often pop up at near the same time as part of a larg­er devel­op­ment project. As your neigh­bors begin replac­ing their roofs, you may find that yours is on a sim­i­lar sched­ule. If this case, take a look at the oth­er signs on this list to see if your roof is try­ing to tell you that it’s time to replace.

3) Roof age

Accord­ing to the Nation­al Asso­ci­a­tion of Home Builders (NAHB), you can expect shingle/composition roofs to last about 20 years, depend­ing on cli­mate, main­te­nance, and shin­gle type. Thick­er “archi­tec­tur­al” shin­gles will offer more dura­bil­i­ty than three-tab shin­gles. Some mate­ri­als have a longer lifes­pan than oth­ers. The clos­er your roof gets to its end of life, the more prob­lems you’ll begin to see crop­ping up. Keep in mind that roof dam­age only gets worse with time.

4) Shingles are buckling or curling

Shin­gles may begin to buck­le or curl due to heat and mois­ture over the lifes­pan of the roof. Harsh weath­er can degrade the longevi­ty of the shin­gles. If you notice shin­gles stick­ing up, your roof is on its last legs.


5) Missing shingles

Severe weath­er can also rip shin­gles off alto­geth­er, leav­ing your roof exposed to water dam­age. As water pen­e­trates the lay­ers below, your roof is then vul­ner­a­ble to “roof rot.”

6) Roof rot

Roof rot pos­es a sig­nif­i­cant risk to your roof as it must hold its entire weight. In the worst-case sce­nario, this can even lead to a col­lapse. The longer water can get into the wood, the more the rot will spread, increas­ing the urgency of fix­ing it.

roof rot

Signs of roof rot:

  • Torn flash­ing
  • Water dam­age on the ceilin
  • Mold in the attic
  • Growth of algae or moss
  • Sunken roof deck

7) Shingle granules in gutter

As the weath­er impacts your roof, ero­sion can cause gran­ules to trick­le down into your gut­ters. Over time, this can even lead to gut­ter blockages—the more gran­ules that fall off your shin­gles, the less pro­tec­tion the shin­gles offer.


8) Daylight visible through roof boards

Day­light should come through your win­dows, not through your roof. If sun­light can get in, so can water and ani­mals. We would be more than hap­py to install a sky­light or sun tun­nel if you want nat­ur­al light ema­nat­ing from above.

9) Damaged flashing

Flash­ing and under­lay­ment serve to keep water from get­ting under­neath your shin­gles. Be on the look­out for rust­ed or miss­ing flash­ing around your roof’s chim­neys, vent pipes, and the val­ley between roof parts.

damaged flashing


The num­ber of prob­lems you can encounter with your roof is numer­ous. Main­tain­ing your roof is crit­i­cal to extend­ing its last­ing­ness. Keep these fac­tors in mind to pre­vent a lot of cost­ly headaches lat­er on.

If you find that one or more of these signs are evi­dent on your roof, give us a call at 703–550-0055 to have one of our repair tech­ni­cians or esti­ma­tors see what we can do to help you with the deci­sion-mak­ing process.

Roofing In McLean Virginia

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020

Check out these recent roof replace­ment pic­tures! Serv­ing McLean Vir­ginia and Fair­fax Vir­ginia since 1980! 

Roof Replacement Before and After Pictures in Burke, VA

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020

Here’s a recent home we com­plet­ed in Burke, VA. We have served Fair­fax Coun­ty and sur­round­ing areas since 1980. View the before and after pic­tures, and be sure to sched­ule your free esti­mate! We are hap­py to be a top rat­ed roof­ing, sid­ing and win­dows con­trac­tor in the North­ern Vir­ginia and Mary­land area! Check out some of our reviews from home­own­ers in Burke!





  • Work: Roof­ing. Great! Prompt, cour­te­ous, ded­i­cat­ed. Burke, VA.
  • Replace roof ridge vent cap, open up ridge vent, close gable vents, add caps to a sec­ond exist­ing ridge vent, install and con­nect roof vents for bath­room fans. Punc­tu­al, pro­fes­sion­al demeanor, was will­ing to pro­vide dif­fer­ent viable options and prices for work. Point­ed out areas need­ing addi­ton­al main­te­nance, but did not try to “upsell” for ser­vices I did not request. Nation­al Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Burke, VA.
  • Replaced our bal­cony, shut­ters, some paint­ing, some car­pen­try work and replaced the front of garage frame. Went great. Marshall’s Roof­ing did a superb job; front of house and garage looks brand new, in fact, bet­ter than it did when it was brand new. The first time I used Marshall’s Roof­ing I couldn’t have been more impressed. I called them to do some roof­ing repair that was done by a fly by night roofer. They were respon­sive, on time and very rea­son­able fees. After that, I had to call them to repair the roof after a tree fell on the house; again very respon­sive, on time and very rea­son­able fees. I would not hes­i­tate to use them again. In fact, I just recent­ly had anoth­er tree from my neighbor’s yard fall on my house. Marshall’s Roof­ing quick­ly respond­ed to give me an esti­mate for the repairs, and put a tem­po­rary patch over the dam­aged areas to pre­vent rain from get­ting into the house. Once the insur­ance mon­ey is deposit­ed; I know Marshall’s Roof­ing will do a superb job in repair­ing the roof and gut­ters. Nation­al Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Burke, VA
  • Need­ed some minor repairs and caulk­ing done on my town­house before win­ter set in. Nor­val did the work and he is one of the best! Mar­shall Roof­ing pro­vides easy to read and under­stand esti­mates pri­or to the work and com­pletes the work on time and on bud­get. via Nation­al Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Burke, VA
  • Dry­er vent replaced and sid­ing repair: We used Mar­shall Roof­ing to replace our roof and because of their atten­tion to detail and respon­sive­ness to ques­tions and con­cerns, they are the first  and only com­pa­ny I call for roof­ing, sid­ing or win­dow repair/replacement.  I know from expe­ri­ence their price is fair and com­pet­i­tive but more impor­tant­ly I know the qual­i­ty of their work is supe­ri­or.  They ver­i­fy the appoint­ment, call when on route, com­plete the job, clean up any and all debris, and then present me with an invoice when every­thing is sat­is­fac­to­ry.  I wish Angie’s list offered a rat­ing high­er than “A”, because Mar­shall Roof­ing would be in that cat­e­go­ry. via Nation­al Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Burke, VA
  • Roof Repair: Excel­lent, very knowl­edgable, locat­ed source and rea­son of leak very quick­ly, did thor­ough inspec­tion of rest of roof and locat­ed a cou­ple of poten­tial issues and fixed all on the spot for a very rea­son­able price. via Nation­al Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Burke, VA,
  • May be a lit­tle more expen­sive than some oth­ers, but the com­plete­ness of the crews make up for that. Very con­ge­nial group through­out who act like they want your busi­ness. Com­pa­ny did a roof­ing job for me 25 years ago and I had them back. Very pleased with the work!! via Local Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Burke, VA.
  • Excel­lent, fast, good clean up, respon­sive. Ask to speak with own­er. He is very pro­fes­sion­al and accommodating.”—Burke, VA


June 2020 Newsletter

Saturday, June 13th, 2020


We are very proud of our home improve­ment projects!
For more recent before and after pic­tures please vis­it our
Sum­mer Home Improve­ment To Do List
Each sea­son requires a dif­fer­ent look into home main­te­nance. We have some sum­mer main­te­nance projects below to pro­tect your roof and home for years to come!
1) Ven­ti­la­tion Systems
In sum­mer months, it is impor­tant for your roof to have prop­er ven­ti­la­tion. Attics become very hot because of direct sun­light hit­ting the roof. Roof tem­per­a­tures can reach up to 170 degrees!
With ven­ti­la­tion sys­tem prod­ucts by our part­ners at Air Vent, your roof can have low­er tem­per­a­tures and less mois­ture. This extends the life of your roof, and pro­vides ener­gy effi­cien­cy for your home.
Inter­est­ed in learn­ing why attic ven­ti­la­tion is so impor­tant? If so, check out the Air Vent video below.
When you have a new home built, or you’re replac­ing a roof, then installing a ridge vent helps to bal­ance out the trans­fer of hot and cold air. You’ll always find the upstairs and attic to be warmer in the sum­mer months, no mat­ter how strong your air con­di­tion sys­tems are, because of how hot air ris­es. Because there are vents installed in the roof, the warmer air can escape the home nat­u­ral­ly, which bal­ances out the tem­per­a­tures below.
Ridge Vent Benefits:
  • Works year-round
  • Pro­vides even­ly dis­trib­uted ven­ti­la­tion along the entire under­side of the roof
  • 18 square inch­es of net free area per lin­ear foot (depend­ing on type and model)
  • Slim design, visu­al appeal
  • Pro­vides a high­er vol­ume of air­flow per square foot of attic area than any oth­er fixed-vent system
  • Design max­i­mizes air­flow across the entire under­side of roof sheathing
  • Changes in wind direc­tion have no sig­nif­i­cant effect on vent performance
2) Attic Fans
Attic fans also pro­vide a way to cool off hot attics, and fur­ther extend the life of your roof. This is a cost effec­tive way to counter intense heat in your attic.
A smart alter­na­tive to con­ven­tion­al roof vents, the Solar Pow­ered Attic Vent oper­ates dur­ing the day and col­lects pow­er from the sun to con­vert into elec­tric­i­ty. In turn, this ener­gy oper­ates a high effi­cien­cy motor inside the pow­er vent, so there’s no added cost for elec­tric­i­ty. That saves ener­gy, which is bet­ter for the environment.
3) New Win­dows & Doors
Many of our cus­tomers know the ben­e­fits of replac­ing drafty win­dows before win­ter. But replac­ing win­dows can help sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce your ener­gy bill in the sum­mer months. It can also reduce pesky ants and insects from mak­ing their way indoors. Yikes! We offer Par­a­digm, and Pel­la Windows.
Our doors are ener­gy effi­cient and curb appeal approved. Below is a recent before and after door installation.
4) Wood Trim and Shutters
Replac­ing dry rot­ten wood, and chang­ing the wood trim col­or can renew the look of your home. Our car­pen­ters can replace wood trim around win­dows and gut­ters, replace gut­ters, shut­ters, and more. Updat­ing the wood trim can beau­ti­fy your home and offer beau­ti­ful curb appeal.
In Progress: Recent Cus­tom Window 
and Sid­ing Job
Below is a list of our ser­vices. We can meet many of your home improve­ment needs and we have 40 years of experience!
We love hear­ing from our cus­tomers and it would be a great ben­e­fit to our staff and crew if you are able to review us on one of our review sites:


May Roofing Before and After Pictures from Top Rated Contractor

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020

We love what we do and it shows. We are very cus­tomer ser­vice based, and our cus­tomers are the best in North­ern Vir­ginia! Many of our cus­tomers are repeat cus­tomers or refer­rals from hap­py cus­tomers or a home that they drove by and loved! We take pride in our work! We make sure the cus­tomer’s home is clear of debris, we do a final check, we give our esti­ma­tors and crew train­ing through­out the year, and not only are our cus­tomers hap­py, our staff love work­ing with Mar­shall! We are top rat­ed through­out North­ern Vir­ginia and Mary­land. Take a peak at some of our work! And be sure to sched­ule your free estimate! 


Before (2 story home with attached two car garage) 



After (2 story home with attached two car garage) 


Before (2 story 3 car detached garage)

After (2 sto­ry 3 car detached garage)


May 2020 Newsletter

Wednesday, May 20th, 2020


New Financ­ing option! 
Give us a call for a free estimate! 
Before and After Roof­ing Installation
Below are before and after pic­tures from a home in Spring­field, Vir­ginia. Click on the link to view more before and after pic­tures and to hear what our cus­tomers say about our services.
Hap­py 18 Year Mar­shall Anniversary
Hap­py Anniver­sary to Annette Dun­bar! Annette began work­ing with Mar­shall May 2002. She has been an essen­tial part of the team. She man­ages the team from Lor­ton. Annette pro­vides excep­tion­al cus­tomer ser­vice, roof­ing exper­tise, and she’s an effi­cient prob­lem solver. Cus­tomers express their grat­i­tude with her help­ful­ness. The staff loves her infec­tious laugh, her will­ing­ness to help every­one, and her resource­ful­ness. Please join us as we wish her a hap­py anniver­sary! Here’s to many more.
Coro­n­avirus (COVID-19) Update from March 18, 2020
For full details please visit 
our blog
Below is a list of our ser­vices. We can meet many of your home improve­ment needs and we have 40 years of experience!
We love hear­ing from our cus­tomers and it would be a great ben­e­fit to our staff and crew if you are able to review us on one of our review sites: