It’s almost time for rainy sea­son. Pre­pare your home with these tips!
Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing, & Win­dows can help with minor repairs to help pro­long the life of your home. Here are some items that our Ser­vice Divi­sion can help with to start your Spring cleaning:
  • Caulk around win­dows and doors
  • Replace chim­ney and roof flashing
  • Replace attic fan and check attic ventilation
  • Replace pipe col­lars and vents
  • Wood trim repair/replacement and painting
  • Repair/replace old faulty gutters
  • Con­sid­er a Gut­ter­Top­per Pro­tec­tion Sys­tem and nev­er clean your gut­ters again
Call our Ser­vice Divi­sion to sched­ule your esti­mate today!