July 2017 Newsletter: Summer, Carpentry, Skylights and Sun Tunnels galore


Cel­e­brate Sum­mer: July 2017 Month­ly Newsletter

We are more than a roof­ing company. 

Our Ser­vices
Learn About our Carpentry
We spe­cial­ize in carpentry. 
Let us replace and upgrade your trim­ming and shut­ters for your home to add char­ac­ter and appeal. 

Our car­pen­ters can cre­ate a new space giv­ing you new light­ing for your dark areas with sky­lights and sun tunnels! 

Our car­pen­ters can fix and upgrade your decks and gaze­bo. They can fix your faulty fram­ing and more. 

If you need your sof­fit and or fas­cia replaced we have a car­pen­ter for that. 

Give us a call for all of your car­pen­try needs. All of our esti­mates are free.

Install SunTunnels/Sky Tubes

Sun tun­nels use solar pow­er to light up dark areas. Save on ener­gy and updates any home with a sleek design.

How To Clean Vinyl Siding
Check out our Part­ner’s Blog and learn how to effec­tive­ly clean your sid­ing. Here are some prob­lem areas, and clean­ing solutions. 
  • Dirt, grime, soot and chalk. For gen­er­al dirt­i­ness all you’ll need is a buck­et of soapy water — dish soap or com­mon laun­dry deter­gent work well, a soft bris­tle brush and a gar­den hose. Apply the soapy mix­ture by hand and thor­ough­ly rinse the sid­ing with clean water from the gar­den hose. Avoid pro­longed or high pres­sure rins­ing of open ven­ti­lat­ed areas and keep clean­ing solu­tion off sur­round­ing fix­tures and sur­faces not sched­uled for wash­ing.  NOTE:  We do not rec­om­mend pow­er wash­ing vinyl or poly­mer sid­ing as it can cause mois­ture intru­sion, dam­age, and/or dis­col­oration.  Instead, we sug­gest using a house wash that con­nects to your hose.  This is the sim­plest and most effec­tive way to clean stub­born sid­ing stains. A small amount of soapy water should­n’t affect plants or shrub­bery, but if you are con­cerned about plant­i­ngs close to the house select a soap prod­uct with­out added per­fumes, dyes or mois­tur­iz­ers. Before using, test a small amount of the solu­tion on the plant and wait a few days to see if there are any effects.
  • Stains. Occa­sion­al­ly sid­ing will incur a stub­born stain, like algae build up, that does not come off with stan­dard house­hold deter­gents. In these cas­es it is best to request a clean­er direct­ly from your sid­ing con­trac­tor. They will be able to pro­vide you with prod­ucts designed to work with the sid­ing at hand but even still, always test a small amount in an incon­spic­u­ous location.
  • Mildew. Vinyl sid­ing is mold and mildew resis­tant.  How­ev­er if the sid­ing is dirty, mildew could grow on the dirty coat­ing espe­cial­ly in warmer cli­mates with con­sis­tent­ly high humid­i­ty.  Mildew appears as black spots on sur­face dirt and is usu­al­ly detect­ed in areas not sub­ject­ed to rain­fall, such as under eaves and porch enclo­sures.  To remove mix togeth­er: 1/3 cup of deter­gent (Tide, for exam­ple), 2/3 cup of Trisodi­um (Soil­Max, for exam­ple), one quart of 5% Sodi­um Hypochlo­rite (Clorox bleach, for exam­ple) and three quarts of water. (Cau­tion: Greater con­cen­tra­tions may cause dam­age to vinyl sid­ing.) If this solu­tion does not eas­i­ly remove the mildew, you can request a mildew-spe­cif­ic clean­er from your con­trac­tor or local build­ing mate­ri­als retailer.

For more infor­ma­tion, and to read the entire arti­cle visit: 

Fun Recipes

Fun Recipes
Thai Chick­en with Car­rot-Gin­ger Sal­ad
2 table­spoons unsalt­ed but­ter, soft­ened
3 gar­lic cloves; 2 chopped, 1 crushed
4 tea­spoons Thai green cur­ry paste (avail­able in the inter­na­tion­al aisle)
4 tea­spoons fine­ly chopped peeled gin­ger
Grat­ed zest and juice of 3 limes
4 skin-on, bone-in chick­en breasts (2 to 2 1/2 pounds)
Kosher salt
1 table­spoon veg­etable oil
1 pound car­rots
2 table­spoons chopped fresh cilantro 

Full Recipe:  Thai Chick­en Recipe


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