
Leaf­Guard Brand by Englert: The World’s Only One-Piece Seam­less Cov­ered Gut­ter Sys­tem. Leaf­Guard® is a unique, patent­ed gut­ter sys­tem that draws rain­wa­ter down and around the under­side of its hood and into the gut­ter. LeafGuard’s curved hood deflects leaves and even pine nee­dles while grav­i­ty forces the water into the gut­ter. The hood is not an add-on, but an inte­gral part of the gut­ter itself. Backed by the Good House­keep­ing Seal, this unique, patent­ed gut­ter sys­tem is guar­an­teed not to clog.Get Leaf­Guard® Brand Gut­ters — Say good­bye to clean­ing gut­ters clogged by leaves and debris, for­ev­er with Leaf­Guard Brand Gut­ters. Leaf­Guard is the best rain gut­ter pro­tec­tion sys­tem available.



If you’re fed up with wor­ry­ing about

  • gut­ter clogs;
  • the dan­ger water leaks and over­flows can cause to your home; or
  • climb­ing lad­ders to clean gut­ters out, you need to know about Leaf­Guard gutters.

The Only One-Piece Cov­ered Gutter

Leaf­Guard Brand by Englert is the orig­i­nal and only one-piece gut­ter sys­tem, with a built-in hood that cov­ers the gut­ter bot­tom and deflects leaves and oth­er debris. This unique, seam­less design keeps debris from col­lect­ing in your gut­ters which:

  1. pre­vents clogs from forming;
  2. keeps water flow­ing freely;
  3. elim­i­nates leaks and the threat of water dam­age; and
  4. makes climb­ing lad­ders to clean gut­ters unnecessary.

Leaf­Guard gut­ters elim­i­nate the prob­lems home­own­ers wor­ry about, and that’s why we can say – With Leaf­Guard you can Get It and For­get It!


The Leaf­Guard Brand Gut­ter Sys­tem Is Patented

No oth­er gut­ter cov­er sys­tem can claim to have a patent on a one-piece cov­ered gut­ter. Leaf­Guard Brand by Englert is the orig­i­nal and only one-piece seam­less gut­ter sys­tem. Its built-in hood cov­ers the gut­ter bot­tom and deflects leaves and oth­er debris. The hood is not an add-on, but an inte­gral part of the gut­ter itself. Since 1993 when it was intro­duced to the mar­ket, Leaf­Guard has been the lead­ing cov­ered gut­ter in Amer­i­ca. LeafGuard’s patent­ed design keeps rain­wa­ter run­ning freely and safe­ly away from your home – each and every time it rains.

The Englert Leaf­Guard gut­ter sys­tem works on the sci­en­tif­ic prin­ci­ple of Liq­uid Adhe­sion. The gutter’s patent­ed design allows rain­wa­ter to trav­el down and around its curved hood and into the gut­ter, while deflect­ing leaves and debris.

Leaf­Guard gut­ters are roll-formed from one con­tin­u­ous piece of alu­minum that is 14 inch­es wide and cut to cus­tom lengths that fit your home. The met­al itself is 20% thick­er than the indus­try stan­dard for gutters.

A Leaf­Guard Brand gut­ter is formed on-site by machines under the super­vi­sion of fac­to­ry trained ser­vice­men. The sin­gle sheet of flat met­al is formed into an extra wide gut­ter chan­nel with a per­fect­ly arched cov­er. This cov­er is not an add-on, but an inte­gral part of the gut­ter itself.

It will catch rain­wa­ter; but will NEVER clog. Its large gut­ter bot­tom and extra-large 3” x 4” down­spouts can han­dle even the heaviest

rain­falls. In a sim­u­lat­ed lab­o­ra­to­ry test, Leaf­Guard Brand gut­ters were able to han­dle 32 inch­es of rain per hour — over three times the record rain­fall ever record­ed by the U.S. Weath­er Bureau.

Leaf­Guard fea­tures a Scratch­Guard® paint fin­ish, that won’t chip, peel or crack as many oth­er gut­ters do. Scratch­Guard® keeps your gut­ters look­ing bet­ter longer and it’s war­rant­ed for the life of your gutter.

In addi­tion to their built-in inge­nu­ity, atten­tion is paid to every detail in the instal­la­tion of a Leaf­Guard gut­ter. Spe­cial­ly designed, non-cor­ro­sive hang­ers sup­port the hood and are attached through the back of the gut­ter to your fas­cia board with screws, not nails, which can pull away from wood. The hang­ers are spaced at two-foot inter­vals, more than twice the indus­try stan­dard, ensur­ing added strength and durability.

All these fea­tures work per­fect­ly togeth­er, to give you a one-piece gut­ter bot­tom and hood that deflects leaves and debris bet­ter than any oth­er gut­ter pro­tec­tion sys­tem; that will not clog or cause leaks; and that does not inter­fere with the integri­ty of your roof.

This process is unique and it’s patented!



For even more infor­ma­tion on the Leaf­Guard® gut­ter pro­tec­tion sys­tem, please vis­it the Leaf­Guard® web­site.