Indoor Ideas During the Rain!

We have had a nev­er end­ing sup­ply of RAIN!!!! If you’ve had a roof replaced by Mar­shall in recent years, you can be secure in know­ing your home is pro­tect­ed! So it’s time to have some fun. Here are some ideas for indoor activ­i­ties dur­ing rainy sum­mer days! 


Indoor Pic­nic: cre­ate a space to have an indoor pic­nic. Crack open the patio door to hear the rain, make deli sand­wich­es with fruit, get a card game going and have some fun!

Make Jew­el­ry: Mak­ing jew­el­ry is unique­ly you! Get the fam­i­ly togeth­er, old but­tons and trin­kets, some oth­er items from the art store and have fun!


Do a YouTube Paint Tuto­r­i­al and hang them in the house! All you need is to buy can­vas, paint and brush­es! Pro­tect your floor with news­pa­per or a vinyl table­cloth et voila! An inex­pen­sive way to have some fun indoors. 

Buy a new Board Game. Turn off the elec­tron­ics, grab the fam­i­ly and play a new game together.



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