June 2020 Newsletter


We are very proud of our home improve­ment projects!
For more recent before and after pic­tures please vis­it our
Sum­mer Home Improve­ment To Do List
Each sea­son requires a dif­fer­ent look into home main­te­nance. We have some sum­mer main­te­nance projects below to pro­tect your roof and home for years to come!
1) Ven­ti­la­tion Systems
In sum­mer months, it is impor­tant for your roof to have prop­er ven­ti­la­tion. Attics become very hot because of direct sun­light hit­ting the roof. Roof tem­per­a­tures can reach up to 170 degrees!
With ven­ti­la­tion sys­tem prod­ucts by our part­ners at Air Vent, your roof can have low­er tem­per­a­tures and less mois­ture. This extends the life of your roof, and pro­vides ener­gy effi­cien­cy for your home.
Inter­est­ed in learn­ing why attic ven­ti­la­tion is so impor­tant? If so, check out the Air Vent video below.
When you have a new home built, or you’re replac­ing a roof, then installing a ridge vent helps to bal­ance out the trans­fer of hot and cold air. You’ll always find the upstairs and attic to be warmer in the sum­mer months, no mat­ter how strong your air con­di­tion sys­tems are, because of how hot air ris­es. Because there are vents installed in the roof, the warmer air can escape the home nat­u­ral­ly, which bal­ances out the tem­per­a­tures below.
Ridge Vent Benefits:
  • Works year-round
  • Pro­vides even­ly dis­trib­uted ven­ti­la­tion along the entire under­side of the roof
  • 18 square inch­es of net free area per lin­ear foot (depend­ing on type and model)
  • Slim design, visu­al appeal
  • Pro­vides a high­er vol­ume of air­flow per square foot of attic area than any oth­er fixed-vent system
  • Design max­i­mizes air­flow across the entire under­side of roof sheathing
  • Changes in wind direc­tion have no sig­nif­i­cant effect on vent performance
2) Attic Fans
Attic fans also pro­vide a way to cool off hot attics, and fur­ther extend the life of your roof. This is a cost effec­tive way to counter intense heat in your attic.
A smart alter­na­tive to con­ven­tion­al roof vents, the Solar Pow­ered Attic Vent oper­ates dur­ing the day and col­lects pow­er from the sun to con­vert into elec­tric­i­ty. In turn, this ener­gy oper­ates a high effi­cien­cy motor inside the pow­er vent, so there’s no added cost for elec­tric­i­ty. That saves ener­gy, which is bet­ter for the environment.
3) New Win­dows & Doors
Many of our cus­tomers know the ben­e­fits of replac­ing drafty win­dows before win­ter. But replac­ing win­dows can help sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce your ener­gy bill in the sum­mer months. It can also reduce pesky ants and insects from mak­ing their way indoors. Yikes! We offer Par­a­digm, and Pel­la Windows.
Our doors are ener­gy effi­cient and curb appeal approved. Below is a recent before and after door installation.
4) Wood Trim and Shutters
Replac­ing dry rot­ten wood, and chang­ing the wood trim col­or can renew the look of your home. Our car­pen­ters can replace wood trim around win­dows and gut­ters, replace gut­ters, shut­ters, and more. Updat­ing the wood trim can beau­ti­fy your home and offer beau­ti­ful curb appeal.
In Progress: Recent Cus­tom Window 
and Sid­ing Job
Below is a list of our ser­vices. We can meet many of your home improve­ment needs and we have 40 years of experience!
We love hear­ing from our cus­tomers and it would be a great ben­e­fit to our staff and crew if you are able to review us on one of our review sites:


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