March 2017 Newsletter


March Newslet­ter: Mar­shall Roof­ing Hon­ored in Fair­fax County

We are more than a roof­ing company. 

Our Ser­vices
Troy, Mar­shall Roof­ing, & Cer­tain­teed Hon­ored by Fair­fax County
Fairfax County Honors Troy & Marshall Roofing for Donation
Fair­fax Coun­ty Board of Super­vi­sors Hon­ors Troy & Mar­shall Roof­ing for Donation

Troy Mar­shall, Cer­tain­Teed & Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & Win­dows are hon­ored for their dona­tions to Fair­fax Coun­ty’s Search and Res­cue Build­ing. We are thank­ful for the Fair­fax Coun­ty Board of Super­vi­sors for hon­or­ing Troy and Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & Win­dows! This project held a spe­cial place in the hearts of the Mar­shall Roof­ing staff. 

Hon­ored in North­ern Vir­ginia Magazine
Find us in North­ern Vir­ginia Mag­a­zine’s March edition
Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & Win­dows are excit­ed to be named the Best Win­dows, Sid­ing, Roof­ing and Gut­ters in North­ern Vir­ginia Mag­a­zine’s inau­gur­al “Best Home Improve­ment Con­trac­tors” 2017 March issue. Thank you for vot­ing for us! 

Check out a recent roof­ing installation
Spring is the per­fect time to start your home ren­o­va­tions! 
Roof Replace­ment by Mar­shall Roofing


Spring Main­te­nance tips


Pas­ta Primavera

Kosher salt
12 ounces fusil­li or oth­er corkscrew pas­ta
1/2 pound sug­ar snap peas, halved length­wise, or broc­coli flo­rets (or a com­bi­na­tion)
2 car­rots, shred­ded
1 yel­low bell pep­per, cut into thin strips
1/4 cup extra-vir­gin olive oil, plus more for driz­zling
4 cloves gar­lic, thin­ly sliced
1 pint cher­ry toma­toes, halved
1/4 to 1/2 tea­spoon red pep­per flakes
1/2 cup rough­ly chopped fresh mint
1/2 cup grat­ed parme­san cheese
4 ounces goat cheese, crumbled
For direc­tions vis­it: Food Net­work

Our vision is brought to life with expe­ri­enced esti­ma­tors. Our esti­ma­tors have expert prod­uct knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence with match­ing the cus­tomer to the right prod­ucts. This, along with our sig­na­ture cus­tomer ser­vice, is what makes us Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & Win­dows, a name you can trust. 

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