November 2017 Newsletter


Novem­ber Newsletter

We are more than a roof­ing company. 

Our Ser­vices
Fall is here and so are the leaves!

If you are tired of gut­ter clean­ing we have sev­er­al options on pro­tect­ing your gut­ters. We have gut­ter screens and cov­ers to fit var­i­ous bud­gets and needs. 

Gut­ter Protection 

We cus­tomize each gut­ter system. 
Gut­ters are an impor­tant part of pro­tect­ing your home. 
Pro­tect your sid­ing, and pre­vent foun­da­tion and flood­ing issues.
Gut­ter Pro­tec­tion with GutterTopper
No one likes to clean gut­ters.  Pro­tect your gut­ters, and save time.
Install gut­ter pro­tec­tion from GutterTopper! 
They come in dif­fer­ent col­ors to match your roof. 
Nev­er clean your gut­ters again!
Gut­ter Screens
Gut­ter Screens are an eco­nom­i­cal way to pre­vent debris from col­lect­ing in your gutters.
Pre­pare for Winter

Fall is here, and win­ter will sure­ly fol­low. Don’t go through the win­ter with a bad roof, poor insu­la­tion, or drafty win­dows and doors. We have ded­i­cated esti­ma­tors ready and will­ing to serve you! 
What a great time of year to pre­pare your home for the cool­er weath­er and the falling leaves. Mar­shall can help with many of your upgrades to your home for the fall and win­ter months. Upgrade your shut­ters and wood­work trim. Replace your faulty and out­dated gut­ters. Place gut­ter shields or cov­ers on your exist­ing gut­ters. Update drafty win­dows and doors. 
Remem­ber that drafty areas are caus­ing your ener­gy bill to sky­rocket in the win­ter! Replac­ing win­dows and doors that are old and drafty will save you in the long run. Want more ideas for ener­gy con­ser­va­tion? We have sky­tubes that allow you to reserve the ener­gy from the sun to use in your dark spaces of your home! 

Recipe of the Month

Pump­kin Pie Brown­ies   
    • 1 box brown­ie mix, plus ingre­di­ents called for on box
    • 1 (15-oz.) can pump­kin puree
    • 1 (14-oz.) can sweet­ened con­densed milk
    • 2 large eggs
    • 1 tsp. pump­kin pie spice
    • kosher salt
    • 2 c. semi-sweet choco­late chips
    • 3/4 c. heavy cream


Full Recipe:
Our vision is brought to life with expe­ri­enced esti­ma­tors. Our esti­ma­tors have train­ing in prod­uct knowl­edge and an under­stand­ing of match­ing the cus­tomer to the right prod­ucts. This, along with our sig­na­ture cus­tomer ser­vice, is what makes Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & Win­dows, a name you can trust. 

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