Self-Adhering SBS Modified Bitumen Roofing System

What is a self-adher­ing roof­ing sys­tem? 

A self-adher­ing roof­ing sys­tem is com­prised of a nail­able base or self-adher­ing ply base with a top sur­face designed to accept a self-adher­ing roof­ing mem­brane, a self-adher­ing mid ply and a self-adher­ing cap sheet. CertainTeed’s Flint­las­tic® SA self-adher­ing prod­uct line is man­u­fac­tured with pre­mi­um qual­i­ty mate­ri­als, and the roof sys­tem spec­i­fi­ca­tions have been engi­neered to pro­vide roofs that offer excel­lent longevi­ty and performance.

What are the advan­tages of a self-adher­ing roof­ing system?

Self-adher­ing roof­ing sys­tems offer sev­er­al advan­tages for con­trac­tors: no torch­es, no hot asphalt, no fumes and no mess — all of which means appli­ca­tion is much clean­er and faster. Self-adher­ing roofs are also envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly because there are no volatile organ­ic com­pounds in the mate­r­i­al. Oth­er advan­tages of self-adher­ing roof­ing sys­tems are the ease of appli­ca­tion, min­i­mal equip­ment require­ments and a clean­er work envi­ron­ment. These advan­tages are even more amaz­ing con­sid­er­ing the long sys­tem life you can expect.

Where can I use self-adher­ing roof systems?

Self-adher­ing roof sys­tems, such as CertainTeed’s Flint­las­tic® SA prod­ucts, can be used in var­i­ous sys­tem con­fig­u­ra­tions, depend­ing on the roof require­ments. For small projects, such as decks, addi­tions and porch­es, two-ply sys­tems with Flint­las­tic® SA Nail­Base or Flint­las­tic® SA Ply­Base, and Flint­las­tic® SA Cap Sheet may be appro­pri­ate. CertainTeed’s Flint­las­tic® SA Cap Sheet is avail­able in col­ors to com­ple­ment the most pop­u­lar Cer­tain­Teed shin­gle col­ors. For larg­er roofs and com­mer­cial appli­ca­tions, three-ply sys­tems con­sist­ing of Flint­las­tic SA Nail­Base or Flint­las­tic® SA Ply­Base cov­ered with Flint­las­tic® SA Mid Ply and Flint­las­tic® SA Cap FR are rec­om­mend­ed. Roofs and decks must have prop­er drainage. Refer to the Cer­tain­Teed online tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion for prod­uct data sheets and com­plete spec­i­fi­ca­tion details.


Mis­sion State­ment: Our objec­tive is to pro­vide our cus­tomers with the high­est qual­i­ty roof­ing, sid­ing, win­dows, gut­ters, and entry door work in the North­ern Vir­ginia & Mary­land areas by offer­ing expe­ri­ence, effi­cien­cy, high qual­i­ty prod­ucts, cus­tomized projects, and the best cus­tomer ser­vice. Our goal is 100% cus­tomer satisfaction.

Vision State­ment: Our vision is to be the best roof­ing, sid­ing, win­dows, gut­ters, and entry door replace­ment com­pa­ny in the North­ern Vir­ginia and Mary­land area. Our vision is cen­tered on the cus­tomers’ needs and vision of their home. 

Core Val­ues: Our moti­va­tion in each project is direct­ed from our core val­ues. Each core val­ue is cen­tered on the cus­tomer and includes: old time val­ues, con­cern for the cus­tomer, offer­ing the cus­tomer the best prod­ucts, and giv­ing the cus­tomer the best price for the high qual­i­ty products.