Solar Reflective Shingles

Solar reflec­tive shin­gles and solar reflec­tive roof­ing mem­branes can be an impor­tant com­po­nent in a build­ing sys­tem designed to reduce over­all build­ing ener­gy con­sump­tion and the impact the home or build­ing has on the environment.

Solar reflec­tive shin­gles are defined as hav­ing sur­faces that pri­mar­i­ly reflect con­sid­er­ably more IR radi­a­tion than nor­mal roof sur­faces.  Infrared radi­a­tion is a spec­trum of light that gen­er­ates sig­nif­i­cant amounts of heat on roof sur­faces.  Solar reflec­tive shin­gles are designed specif­i­cal­ly to reduce the absorp­tion of the suns infrared radi­a­tion by reflect­ing IR rays off the sur­face of the roof thus not allow­ing the heat to be trans­ferred to the inte­ri­or of the struc­ture (i.e. the attic under the roof).  By reduc­ing the amount of this heat trans­fer, solar reflec­tive shin­gles and solar reflec­tive roofs in gen­er­al have the abil­i­ty to keep build­ing inte­ri­ors cool­er, thus less­en­ing the usage and strain on HVAC equip­ment par­tic­u­lar­ly in warmer cli­mates and in sum­mer months.

In addi­tion to the poten­tial ener­gy sav­ing ben­e­fits that solar reflec­tive shin­gles can have for a build­ing, research on the degra­da­tion of roof­ing mem­branes over a num­ber of years have shown that heat from the sun is one of the most potent fac­tors impact­ing dura­bil­i­ty.  High tem­per­a­tures and large vari­a­tions; sea­son­al­ly or dai­ly, at the roof­ing lev­el are detri­men­tal to the longevi­ty of roof sur­faces.  Reduc­ing the extremes of tem­per­a­ture change will reduce the inci­dence of dam­age to roof­ing sys­tems.  Using solar reflec­tive shin­gles and solar reflec­tive roof­ing prod­ucts that reflect ultra­vi­o­let and pri­mar­i­ly infrared radi­a­tion will reduce dam­age caused by u/v and heat degradation.

Cer­tain­Teed Cor­po­ra­tion has sev­er­al solar reflec­tive shin­gles to choose from in var­i­ous style and col­or options to suit a range of dif­fer­ent home styles and elevations.

The Land­mark Solaris series of solar reflec­tive shin­gles, which fea­tures the Solaris Gold and Plat­inum col­lec­tion, is avail­able in sev­er­al pop­u­lar ENERGY STAR® rat­ed col­or options, which are vir­tu­al­ly indis­tin­guish­able from the Cer­tain­Teed Land­mark shin­gle that has recent­ly been rat­ed a con­sumer “best buy” from a high­ly respect­ed con­sumer pub­li­ca­tion.  The Solaris Plat­inum solar reflec­tive shin­gles rep­re­sent an indus­try break­through in tech­nol­o­gy achiev­ing a lev­el of 40% solar reflec­tiv­i­ty, by far the high­est lev­el of reflec­tiv­i­ty in the asphalt shin­gle industry.

The Pres­i­den­tial Solaris series of shin­gles fea­ture solar reflec­tive roof sur­faces that achieve ENERGY STAR® stan­dards but in CertainTeed’s thick, rich Lux­u­ry styled shake replace­ment shin­gle.  As with Land­mark Solaris Gold shin­gles, Pres­i­den­tial Solaris shin­gles are vir­tu­al­ly iden­ti­cal in appear­ance to the same shin­gles with­out the solar reflec­tive roof­ing surface.


Mis­sion State­ment: Our objec­tive is to pro­vide our cus­tomers with the high­est qual­i­ty roof­ing, sid­ing, win­dows, gut­ters, and entry door work in the North­ern Vir­ginia & Mary­land areas by offer­ing expe­ri­ence, effi­cien­cy, high qual­i­ty prod­ucts, cus­tomized projects, and the best cus­tomer ser­vice. Our goal is 100% cus­tomer satisfaction.

Vision State­ment: Our vision is to be the best roof­ing, sid­ing, win­dows, gut­ters, and entry door replace­ment com­pa­ny in the North­ern Vir­ginia and Mary­land area. Our vision is cen­tered on the cus­tomers’ needs and vision of their home. 

Core Val­ues: Our moti­va­tion in each project is direct­ed from our core val­ues. Each core val­ue is cen­tered on the cus­tomer and includes: old time val­ues, con­cern for the cus­tomer, offer­ing the cus­tomer the best prod­ucts, and giv­ing the cus­tomer the best price for the high qual­i­ty products.