Siding and Signs You Need a New Roof: May 2018 Newsletter

May 2018 Newsletter

We are more than a roof­ing company. 

Our Ser­vices

A New Take On Siding

We have two sid­ing part­ners. We install both Cer­tain­teed and James Hardie prod­ucts. The above pic­ture is Icon Com­pos­ite Sid­ing by Cer­tain­teed. This is a new prod­uct and rev­o­lu­tion­ary in exte­ri­or cladding. It has the look of wood with longevi­ty that exceeds wood and fiber cement! 
Learn More about this prod­uct Here:

Time For a New Roof?

Signs You Need Main­te­nance or a New Roof

Mar­shall has ser­vices in roof repair and replace­ment. Here are some tips of why you may need main­te­nance on your roof. 
  1.  Algae on the roof
  2. Raised, curled, cracked or miss­ing shingles
  3. Ridge Vent damage
  4. Leaks in the Roof
  5. Water dam­age on the ceil­ing in your home
  6. The roof is over 20 years old. 

All About Gut­ters & Gut­ter Pro­tec­tion for the Rainy Season!
Gut­ters pro­tect your roof, pro­tect your base­ment from flood­ing, pro­tect your home from paint dam­age, pre­vents mold and ero­sion and your land­scap­ing. Gut­ters play an impor­tant part in pro­tect­ing your home. Pre­pare for the rainy sea­son with new gut­ters, sof­fits and fas­cia options!
We also have great options to pro­tect your gut­ters. We have a great prod­uct called Gut­ter­Top­per. It pre­vents your gut­ters from get­ting clogged with debris. Water is able to freely flow through­out your gut­ter sys­tem. The design is sleek and mod­ern. Tired of clean­ing your gut­ters? This could be a great option for you. As always our esti­mates are free. 
Watch this video of how water flows through the Gut­ter­Top­per System:

Spring Recipe of the Month

  • Salt, for sea­son­ing pas­ta water
  • 1 box linguine
  • 2 table­spoons olive oil, plus more for topping
  • 1 small yel­low onion
  • 2 medi­um tomatoes
  • 1 medi­um zucchini
  • 1 large head broc­coli, flo­rets and stems separated
  • 2 medi­um carrots
  • 1 ball buf­fa­lo mozzarella
  • Fresh basil, for garnish

For Direc­tions Vis­it:

Our vision is brought to life with expe­ri­enced esti­ma­tors. Our esti­ma­tors have expert prod­uct knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence with match­ing the cus­tomer to the right prod­ucts. This, along with our sig­na­ture cus­tomer ser­vice, is what makes Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & Win­dows, a name you can trust. 

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