Signs You May Need a New Roof






We pride our selves on being knowl­edge­able in the field of exte­ri­or home improve­ments. We have been in the North­ern Vir­ginia and Mary­land, DC Metro area since 1980! We offer details for our clients to edu­cate them on what to expect with no pres­sure sales and infor­ma­tive answers to  every­day ques­tions! A com­mon ques­tion is “How do I know when I need a new roof.” As many in the area have dealt with high pres­sure sales peo­ple who try to sell prod­ucts that you do not need! Here is what you need to know about when it may be time for you to replace your roof. 

  1. It is 20 years old. We rec­om­mend hav­ing some­one come out for a free esti­mate if your roof is over 20 years old. We can assess the roof, and give an esti­mate on how many more years your roof should last at the cur­rent condition. 
  2. You have moss/algae grow­ing on the roof. Moss grows on moist areas and can be an indi­ca­tion that there is hid­den mois­ture under the shin­gles, and it can cause the shin­gles to lift and cre­ate more mois­ture and cause for a weak­er roof. 
  3. Raised, dam­aged, cracked, miss­ing or curled shin­gles are all indi­ca­tors that the roof is dete­ri­o­rat­ing. Some­times these issues can be repaired, but it def­i­nite­ly should be addressed. 
  4. Water leaks inside the home are a sign that there is an issue with the roof that should be addressed. 
  5. Warped wood and soft patch­es in the roof show that there are issues with the wood beneath the roof­ing, and is a sign that the roof needs replacement. 
  6. Ridge Vent dam­age and leaks are a sign that there are issues with the roof that need to be tak­en care of. 







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