Marshall Roofing Corona (COVID-19) Virus Update

To all our val­ued friends and customers,
Like you and your loved ones, all of us here at Mar­shall Roof­ing are very con­cerned about the Coro­n­avirus and are doing every­thing we can to pro­tect our cus­tomers and team mem­bers dur­ing this dif­fi­cult time. I am writ­ing to you today to update you on the steps we are tak­ing and how those steps may impact our cus­tomers and their home improve­ment projects.
Out­side Your Home
As you are aware, our busi­ness is pri­mar­i­ly involved with the exte­ri­or of your home. In many cas­es when we vis­it your prop­er­ty, either to write an esti­mate or to per­form our work, there is no need for us to step inside your home. If we do speak with you out­side of your home, we always respect a six to ten-foot social dis­tance. If you pre­fer, we can com­mu­ni­cate entire­ly by phone.
Inside Your Home
Some of our vis­its may require that we enter your home, either to inspect dam­age or to do cer­tain types of work such as replac­ing win­dows or per­form­ing car­pen­try repairs. In order to per­form those func­tions, we have equipped our team mem­bers with face masks, latex gloves, booties and hand san­i­tiz­er. In spite of these pre­cau­tions, you may decide that the best course of action is for us not to enter the prop­er­ty and instead resched­ule our meet­ing or instal­la­tion for a lat­er date.
Show­room Visits
To pro­tect the safe­ty of our cus­tomers and team mem­bers, our staff is reg­u­lar­ly clean­ing and san­i­tiz­ing the sur­faces at our show­room. And, just like when we vis­it you, if you stop by to vis­it us, be assured that we will respect your social space.
For Fur­ther Information
We believe that knowl­edge is pow­er and that all of us should learn all we can about how best to pro­tect our­selves and our loved ones dur­ing this dif­fi­cult time. In that spir­it, we are shar­ing these links to more impor­tant infor­ma­tion about the Coronavirus: 
Thank You
For the past 40 years, Mar­shall Roof­ing has been blessed to work with won­der­ful cus­tomers through­out the Wash­ing­ton Met­ro­pol­i­tan Area. We are espe­cial­ly grate­ful for your sup­port dur­ing this dif­fi­cult time. If you have any ques­tions regard­ing how these steps may impact a cur­rent or prospec­tive home improve­ment project, please don’t hes­i­tate to call us at 703–550-0055 or email us at
All the best,
Troy D. Marshall
Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & Windows


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