November 2023 Newsletter

10% OFF Window Installations!

As the leaves change and the weath­er cools, it’s the per­fect time to update your home­’s win­dows. Take advan­tage of our lim­it­ed-time offer and enjoy a 10% dis­count on all Pel­la win­dow instal­la­tions. From improved ener­gy effi­cien­cy to enhanced curb appeal, our expert team is here to make your home cozi­er and more beau­ti­ful this autumn.

Thanksgiving Food Drive!

The 2023 hol­i­day sea­son has begun & to spread Mar­shall Roof­ing Cheer we are doing the RCC Thanks­giv­ing food drive!

Marshall Roofing’s New Showroom!

Our boys are proud­ly tear­ing down and rebuild­ing our Man­as­sas shop to trans­form it into our remod­el­ing show­room! This is a big tran­si­tion in our lives and could­n’t have done it with out you all. We will be excit­ed to invite you to our grand opening!

Don’t Leaf Your Gutters to Chance! Discover the Leaf-Loving Secrets 

If you’re lucky enough to live in a wood­ed area, you already know the breath­tak­ing beau­ty that sur­rounds you. How­ev­er, you’re also famil­iar with the end­less bat­tle against clogged gut­ters, and the hav­oc they wreak on your home. But fear not, because Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing, and Win­dows has a solu­tion that’s both effec­tive and as fun as a pile of leaves!

Let’s face it – leaves, pine nee­dles, and oth­er debris falling into your gut­ters can be a real headache. But gut­ter guards are here to save the day! These nifty devices are like a fortress for your gut­ters, pre­vent­ing leaves and debris from clog­ging up the works. They’re par­tic­u­lar­ly vital if you live in a wood­ed area, as nature’s boun­ty can quick­ly over­whelm your home­’s drainage sys­tem. Here’s why gut­ter guards are the heroes you need:

1. No More Per­ilous Climbs: With gut­ter guards, say good­bye to those risky lad­der-climb­ing expe­di­tions to clean your gut­ters. Your safe­ty is a top priority!

2. Year-Round Pro­tec­tion: Gut­ter guards keep leaves out dur­ing fall, snow and ice in win­ter, and even pesky crit­ters that like to nest in your gut­ters dur­ing spring and summer.

3. Pre­serve Your Home: Clogged gut­ters can lead to water dam­age, struc­tur­al issues, and even mold growth. Gut­ter guards pro­tect your home and save you mon­ey in the long run.

4. Easy Breezy Water Flow: No more wor­ry­ing about water over­flow­ing dur­ing heavy rain. Gut­ter guards ensure prop­er drainage, so you can relax and enjoy the fall rain showers.

Fall is beau­ti­ful, but it’s even bet­ter when you can enjoy it with­out the wor­ry of clogged gut­ters. Get ready to leaf your wor­ries behind and embrace the sea­son with open arms.

Don’t miss out on this sea­son’s leaf-sav­ing secret – con­tact us now for a free consultation!

Click here to sched­ule a free con­sul­ta­tion for Leaf Relief Ter­mi­na­tor & Easy On!

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