November 2013 Newsletter

Mar­shall Roof­ing: Novem­ber 2013 Newsletter

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Note from Troy

It is the begin­ning of the hol­i­day sea­son. It is a time that a lot of us reflect on the year and real­ize why we are most thank­ful. It is also a time a lot of us make future goals and plans. What­ev­er your cus­toms are for the upcom­ing sea­son we are thank­ful for you and your business.
Troy D. Mar­shall, President

We love to hear from you!
Vis­it us online! We will have a blog spot­light­ing the staff’s favorite hol­i­day tra­di­tions. We would love to hear yours! Vis­it our blog or social media sites to learn more!


Ser­vice Area

For over 30 years of ser­vice in:
Falls Church
Great Falls
Prince George’s 
Prince William
and more
Thank you for entrust­ing your homes to Marshall.
For a full list of our ser­vice area vis­it Ser­vice Area

Prod­uct List

James Hardie
Air Vent Inc.
ProVia Door


Just for Laughs


Spruce up your home for the Holidays

Now is the time to plan for hol­i­day enter­tain­ing. Some items you may con­sid­er trans­form­ing this hol­i­day sea­son could include your front entry door, new win­dows, win­dow trim, new light fix­tures, sky­lights, new man­tle, or new crown mold­ing! Mar­shall can help you with all of these and more! Mar­shall is more than a Roof­ing Com­pa­ny. In addi­tion to exte­ri­or ser­vices, we have full time staff wait­ing to pro­vide you with the same A+ ser­vice you are used to from Mar­shall! email us for a free esti­mate: esti­mate
Tired of the leaves clog­ging your gut­ters? Try Gut­ter Topper!

If you are look­ing for a solu­tion to your clogged gut­ters we have one! Gut­ter Top­per offers an effort­less pre­ven­tion of clogged gut­ters by work­ing with sci­ence to pre­vent debris and keep your gut­ters free flow­ing! Nev­er clean your gut­ters again! Addi­tion­al­ly we are offer­ing a 10% dis­count! This is the per­fect time to take advan­tage of this prod­uct. For more infor­ma­tion vis­it: Gut­ter Top­per. To sched­ule your free esti­mate email
      Men­tion this ad for your dis­count by 12/24/13

Con­tests Con­tests Contests! 

We would like to con­grat­u­late Patri­cia B. and Raquel L. for win­ning the Octo­ber Con­test. Patri­cia won a $100 gift card to Home Depot. We will have a con­test every oth­er month. In between those times you will notice a dis­count for a ser­vice! Pay atten­tion for increased chances to win!

At Home With Mar­shall Arti­cle of the Month

Update Your Home for Hol­i­day Entertaining
Look­ing for ideas to revamp your home for the hol­i­days? DIY Net­work has a great arti­cle about easy home improve­ments. One of the ways they rec­om­mend to spruce up your home for enter­tain­ing this hol­i­day sea­son is front entry doors. Front entry remod­els give instant curb appeal! You can do it your­self or leave it to Marshall! 
They also share great ideas for the kitchen like new acces­sories for cab­i­nets or a black­splash. And what a great way to change the look and feel of your home with new light fix­tures! For the full arti­cle vis­it

If you would like to set up an esti­mate for a new front entry door replace­ment email us at


Recipe of the Month
Roast Turkey and Fried Sage Pecans 
It is almost Thanks­giv­ing. We found this awe­some recipe online. Check it out. Let us know if you try it on Face­book, Twit­ter, or our blog!  For step by step direc­tions vis­it Recipe from Food & Wine
  • 1 cup canola oil, for frying
  • 1 cup pecans
  • 1 large gar­lic clove, smashed
  • 1 cup sage leaves
  • 2 sticks unsalt­ed but­ter, softened
  • Kosher salt
  • 1/4 cup all-pur­pose flour
  • One 18-pound turkey
  • 1 car­rot, cut into 1‑inch pieces
  • 1 onion, cut into 1‑inch wedges
  • 4 cups 

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