Archive for June, 2019

We are Hiring: Summer Administrative Help

Wednesday, June 26th, 2019

Sum­mer Intern/Administration Help


Who we are:


Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & Win­dows has been ser­vic­ing VA & MD cus­tomers for 40 years and con­tin­ue to grow each year.  We are a top roof­ing, sid­ing, win­dows, doors, and gut­ters com­pa­ny locat­ed in Lor­ton, VA.  We are also one of the few roof­ing com­pa­nies that offer roof repair ser­vices and light car­pen­try work.  We take pride in pro­vid­ing the high­est lev­el of cus­tomer ser­vice and thrive to give 100% home­own­er sat­is­fac­tion con­sis­tent­ly.  We are an A+ rat­ed com­pa­ny with BBB, Angie’s List, Wash­ing­ton Con­sumers’ Check Book. 


What we are look­ing for:


Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & Win­dows is look­ing for part-time sum­mer help with admin­is­tra­tive duties for our Roof­ing and Ser­vice Divi­sion.  If you have the skillset to pro­vide excel­lent cus­tomer ser­vice, answer phones and process paper­work, we want to see if you are a great fit with our team.  This posi­tion has the poten­tial to be part time to full time with the right candidate. 



  • Must be extreme­ly detail-ori­ent­ed and organized
  • Pos­sess strong inter­per­son­al and com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills
  • Must be reli­able, moti­vat­ed and a self-starter
  • Pro­fi­cient in Microsoft Office Suite
  • Able to work a flex­i­ble sched­ule of 20–30 hours per week


Job Respon­si­bil­i­ties:

  • Answer incom­ing phone calls
  • Sched­ule roof replacement/repair appointments
  • Fol­low-up with cus­tomers regard­ing appointments/rescheduling
  • Cre­ate and file fold­ers for Roof­ing and Ser­vice Division
  • Cre­ate and mail Thank You cards to customers
  • Process cred­it card payments
  • Oth­er duties as assigned


Email your resume to



Marshall Roofing is Hiring: Service Manager

Wednesday, June 26th, 2019

Ser­vice Manager

Who we are:

Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & Win­dows has been ser­vic­ing VA & MD cus­tomers for 40 years and con­tin­ue to grow each year.  We are a top roof­ing, sid­ing, win­dows, doors, and gut­ters com­pa­ny locat­ed in Lor­ton, VA.  We are also one of the few roof­ing com­pa­nies that offer roof repair ser­vices and light car­pen­try work.  We take pride in pro­vid­ing the high­est lev­el of cus­tomer ser­vice and thrive to give 100% home­own­er sat­is­fac­tion con­sis­tent­ly.  We are an A+ rat­ed com­pa­ny with BBB, Angie’s List, Wash­ing­ton Con­sumers’ Check Book.  We offer com­pet­i­tive pay, 2 weeks’ vaca­tion, medical/dental ben­e­fits, 401K plans, and month­ly bonus incentives. 

What we are look­ing for:

Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & Win­dows is look­ing for a self-moti­vat­ed, com­mit­ted, pas­sion­ate leader to man­age our busy Ser­vice Depart­ment.  If you have a “get it done” atti­tude and have the dri­ve to find a solu­tion to every prob­lem, you may be the one that we are look­ing for.  We want some­one who builds trust, val­ues oth­ers, fos­ters inno­va­tions, focus­es on the cus­tomer, col­lab­o­rates with oth­ers, and solves prob­lems cre­ative­ly.  We need a per­son who leads divi­sion growth, sets division’s tone and culture. 


  • Office Hours: Mon­day-Fri­day 7–4pm
  • Must be avail­able to answer calls after work hours and weekends
  • 50–60 hours per week dur­ing busy season
  • Asso­ciates or Bachelor’s Degree required
  • Min­i­mum 3 years of proven expe­ri­ence (Con­struc­tion or Roof­ing experience)
  • Reports to work on time and noti­fies super­vi­sor of time need­ed 30 days in advance
  • Abil­i­ty to meet deadlines
  • Great time man­age­ment and prob­lem-solv­ing skills
  • Must have exquis­ite atten­tion to detail and orga­ni­za­tion­al skills
  • Must have the pas­sion to assist peo­ple with gen­uine inter­est and concern
  • Must pos­sess the abil­i­ty to com­mu­ni­cate pos­i­tive­ly and clear­ly with staff and customers
  • Must pos­sess the abil­i­ty to mul­ti-task and type at least 50 words per minute
  • Pro­fi­cient in MS Office (Out­look, Excel, Word) and QuickBooks
  • Per­forms oth­er duties as assigned

Man­age­ment Functions:

  • Man­ages and leads Ser­vice Divi­sion towards success
  • Man­ages Ser­vice techs’ time/attendance
  • Con­ducts week­ly ser­vice meet­ings and month­ly safe­ty meet­ings with staff
  • Cre­ate policies/procedures and sys­tems to track cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion and month­ly reports to track job profitability
  • Iden­ti­fies and resolves issues promptly
  • Ensures Ser­vice Division’s sched­ule is fol­lowed dai­ly and prop­er­ly scheduled
  • Com­mu­ni­cates with cus­tomers and staff of sched­ule changes/delays
  • Review/inputs pro­pos­als in Mar­ket­Sharp soft­ware and sends to customer
  • Orders job mate­ri­als need­ed for repairs
  • Respon­si­ble for Ser­vice Division’s Accounts Receivables
  • Ensures all invoices/payments are accu­rate­ly entered into Quick­Books and sent to cus­tomer after job completion

Human Resources Functions:

  • Recruits/hires ser­vice techs/administrative staff
  • Con­ducts back­ground checks
  • Process­es on-board­ing paperwork
  • Com­piles and audits week­ly payroll
  • Tracks month­ly bonuses

Admin­is­tra­tive Functions:

  • Sched­ules repair jobs and war­ran­ty calls
  • Enters prospects, leads and customer’s infor­ma­tion accu­rate­ly into Mar­ket­Sharp software
  • Assists in answer­ing phones calls and sched­ul­ing estimates


Email your resume to



Marshall Roofing is Hiring: Service Coordinator

Wednesday, June 26th, 2019

Ser­vice Coordinator


Who we are:


Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & Win­dows has been ser­vic­ing VA & MD cus­tomers for 40 years and con­tin­ue to grow each year.  We are a top roof­ing, sid­ing, win­dows, doors, and gut­ters com­pa­ny locat­ed in Lor­ton, VA.  We are also one of the few roof­ing com­pa­nies that offer roof repair ser­vices and light car­pen­try work.  We take pride in pro­vid­ing the high­est lev­el of cus­tomer ser­vice and thrive to give 100% home­own­er sat­is­fac­tion con­sis­tent­ly.  We are an A+ rat­ed com­pa­ny with BBB, Angie’s List, Wash­ing­ton Con­sumers’ Check Book.  We offer com­pet­i­tive pay, 2 weeks’ vaca­tion, medical/dental ben­e­fits, 401K plans.



What we are look­ing for:


Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & Win­dows is look­ing for a strong, com­mit­ted, pas­sion­ate indi­vid­ual to help with our busy Ser­vice Depart­ment.  If you have a “get it done” atti­tude and have the dri­ve to help cus­tomers and find solu­tions to every prob­lem, you may be the one that we are look­ing for.  We want some­one who goes above and beyond assigned tasks and is com­mit­ted to sup­port­ing the Ser­vice Man­ag­er with dai­ly tasks. 




  • Office Hours: Mon­day-Fri­day 7–4pm
  • Must be avail­able as a back to answer calls after work hours and weekends
  • Min­i­mum 1 year of proven cus­tomer ser­vice expe­ri­ence (Con­struc­tion or Roof­ing expe­ri­ence preferred)
  • Reports to work on time and noti­fies super­vi­sor of time need­ed 30 days in advance
  • Abil­i­ty to meet deadlines
  • Great time man­age­ment and prob­lem-solv­ing skills
  • Must have exquis­ite atten­tion to detail and orga­ni­za­tion­al skills
  • Must have the pas­sion to assist peo­ple with gen­uine inter­est and concern
  • Must pos­sess the abil­i­ty to com­mu­ni­cate pos­i­tive­ly and clear­ly with inter­nal and exter­nal customers
  • Must pos­sess the abil­i­ty to mul­ti-task and type at least 50 words per minute
  • Pro­fi­cient in MS Office (Out­look, Excel, Word)
  • Per­forms oth­er duties as assigned


Admin­is­tra­tive Functions:

  • Pri­ma­ry in answer­ing phones calls and sched­ul­ing repair/new roof­ing estimates
  • Sched­ules repair jobs and war­ran­ty calls
  • Enters prospects, leads and customer’s infor­ma­tion accu­rate­ly into Mar­ket­Sharp software
  • Cre­ate job fold­ers and inputs appoint­ments in Mar­ket­Sharp soft­ware and Out­look Calendar
  • Maintains/organizes job fold­ers and file fold­ers when jobs have been completed
  • Gath­ers week­ly job files for payroll
  • Process­es cus­tomer payments
  • Fol­lows-up with cus­tomers regard­ing payments


Back-up Duties to the Ser­vice Manager:

  • Com­mu­ni­cates with cus­tomers when changes/delays occur in the sched­ul­ing calendar
  • Inputs pro­pos­als in Mar­ket­Sharp soft­ware and sends to customer
  • Orders job mate­ri­als need­ed for repairs


Email your resume to

Marshall Roofing is Hiring: Carpenter

Wednesday, June 26th, 2019

Lead Carpenter/Window Installer



We are look­ing to add anoth­er car­pen­ter with expe­ri­ence as a win­dow installer to our team. This car­pen­ter would be based out of our Man­as­sas or Lor­ton Office depend­ing on where they live. We work all over North­ern Vir­ginia and Mary­land. Com­pa­ny vehi­cle will be pro­vid­ed. Mar­shall Roof­ing is a smoke free com­pa­ny. Smok­ing on job sites or dur­ing work hours is prohibited.


Under the direc­tion of the Ser­vice Man­ag­er the Lead Car­pen­ter is respon­si­ble for iden­ti­fy­ing and cre­at­ing scope of work to fix and repair minor roof­ing & remod­el­ing issues (includ­ing sid­ing & windows).



• High School Diplo­ma or GED equiv­a­lent required.
• Min­i­mum 5 years in the con­struc­tion indus­try.
• Must have demon­strat­ed skills in car­pen­try and/or roof­ing.
• Must have a valid Dri­ver’s License.
• Must have the abil­i­ty to do minor dry­wall repairs, fram­ing, minor roof­ing repairs and inte­ri­or repairs.
• Must have the abil­i­ty to learn, under­stand and apply new tech­nol­o­gy.
• Must pos­sess the abil­i­ty to com­mu­ni­cate pos­i­tive­ly and clear­ly with super­vi­sor, staff and customers.



• Fol­lows dai­ly sched­ule.
• Reports out job and mate­r­i­al costs dai­ly.
• Reports any cus­tomer con­cerns to Ser­vice Man­ag­er.
• Fol­lows all safe­ty and secu­ri­ty stan­dards and pro­ce­dures out in the field.
• Accu­rate­ly iden­ti­fies issue, cre­ates scope of work and pro­vides that solu­tion to the home­own­er.
• Cre­ates accu­rate esti­mates and ensures cus­tomer receives the com­plet­ed esti­mate no more than 24 hours lat­er.
• Reports to work on time and noti­fies super­vi­sor of time need­ed 30 days in advance.
• Attends all sched­uled staff meet­ings.
• Per­forms oth­er duties as assigned.



Must have the abil­i­ty to bend and lift up to 50lbs. Must be able to stand for long peri­ods of time; Will have expo­sure to loud out­side sounds and expo­sure to hot, humid, cold and some­times rainy weath­er; some phys­i­cal exer­tion that includes climbing.


Please email your resume to 

Marshall Roofing Siding & Windows Team Building Night at the Nationals Game

Saturday, June 22nd, 2019

Take me out to the ball­game.” Our expert roofers, esti­ma­tors and office staff took time to bond over a game and peanuts. Work hard, play hard! What a great time we had watch­ing a great game, and the Nation­als win­ning was the icing on the cake. Cel­e­brat­ing 39 years of roof­ing! We are so hap­py to be not only a close team that works hard to be the top in the area, but fam­i­ly. And we thank all of our cus­tomers who entrust us with their homes! Be sure to stick with this win­ning team of contractors! 

Signs You May Need a New Roof

Friday, June 21st, 2019






We pride our selves on being knowl­edge­able in the field of exte­ri­or home improve­ments. We have been in the North­ern Vir­ginia and Mary­land, DC Metro area since 1980! We offer details for our clients to edu­cate them on what to expect with no pres­sure sales and infor­ma­tive answers to  every­day ques­tions! A com­mon ques­tion is “How do I know when I need a new roof.” As many in the area have dealt with high pres­sure sales peo­ple who try to sell prod­ucts that you do not need! Here is what you need to know about when it may be time for you to replace your roof. 

  1. It is 20 years old. We rec­om­mend hav­ing some­one come out for a free esti­mate if your roof is over 20 years old. We can assess the roof, and give an esti­mate on how many more years your roof should last at the cur­rent condition. 
  2. You have moss/algae grow­ing on the roof. Moss grows on moist areas and can be an indi­ca­tion that there is hid­den mois­ture under the shin­gles, and it can cause the shin­gles to lift and cre­ate more mois­ture and cause for a weak­er roof. 
  3. Raised, dam­aged, cracked, miss­ing or curled shin­gles are all indi­ca­tors that the roof is dete­ri­o­rat­ing. Some­times these issues can be repaired, but it def­i­nite­ly should be addressed. 
  4. Water leaks inside the home are a sign that there is an issue with the roof that should be addressed. 
  5. Warped wood and soft patch­es in the roof show that there are issues with the wood beneath the roof­ing, and is a sign that the roof needs replacement. 
  6. Ridge Vent dam­age and leaks are a sign that there are issues with the roof that need to be tak­en care of. 







Thank You Troy II and Matt!

Thursday, June 13th, 2019


We are so excit­ed that the month of June has brought us two anniver­saries. Troy II and Matt Mar­shall are the sons of Troy Mar­shall, Pres­i­dent of Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing and Win­dows. In the sum­mer of 2000 Troy II and Matt began to learn the busi­ness, and work along­side their father. They con­tin­ued to grow in their careers and their edu­ca­tion! They are two suc­cess­ful employ­ees that believe in hard work and ded­i­ca­tion. They are hap­pi­ly con­tin­u­ing the lega­cy their father cre­at­ed in Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing in Win­dows in 1980! They believe in hon­est prod­ucts, hap­py cus­tomers, and mak­ing sure the work is done cor­rect­ly! We are so proud of the growth in each of them. Thank you so much for all that you do! We look for­ward to many years to come! 

June 2019 Newsletter

Monday, June 3rd, 2019



Sum­mer June 2019

Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & Windows
7220 Tele­graph Square Drive 
   Lor­ton, VA 22079 
8561 Sud­ley Road 
Man­as­sas, VA 20110
Thanks to cus­tomers like you, we are again rat­ed top roof­ing, sid­ing and win­dows con­trac­tors in the annu­al Best of Nova issue from North­ern Vir­ginia Mag­a­zine. Be sure to pick up your copy where Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing and Win­dows is featured!
Avail­able Now!
We have an awe­some client base, and we thank you so much! We appre­ci­ate every let­ter, email, and review! We need your help! Leave a review to help spread the word about Mar­shall Roofing!
WCB (sub­scrip­tion required)
Ang­ie’s List (sub­scrip­tion required)
Sum­mer To Do List
We are so excit­ed for the warmer weath­er! And with warmer weath­er, out­doors we go! Check out ideas on sum­mer DIY projects for your home!
On-Site With Marshall
We care about our clients and our prod­ucts! Below is a recent roof replacement. 
A very hap­py birth­day and Hap­py Mar­shall Roof­ing Anniver­sary to Annette! Above is the staff par­ty for Annette, Office Man­ag­er at the Lor­ton office, who recent­ly had a birth­day! Annette joined Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing and Win­dows 17 years ago! We send her so many hugs and well wish­es! If you speak with her remem­ber to tell her hap­py belat­ed birth­day and Anniversary!
We are Hiring! 
Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & Win­dows is hiring!
We are look­ing for a ded­i­cat­ed Ser­vice Manager/Coordinator.
To apply, or for more infor­ma­tion please email!