Alexandria, VA Loves Marshall Roofing!


Our roofing, siding, and windows work is highly rated amongst Alexandria, VA clients! We are happy to service the Alexandria community with roof repairs, roof replacement, siding replacement, gutter replacement, skylights, carpentry, and more. Every estimate is free. email today. Here’s what our Alexandria clients have to say about Marshall!



“You all were won­der­ful at repair­ing my flat roof this sum­mer.    I really appre­ci­ated the great ser­vice, and should have sent a thank you note at the time.”  via email– Michelle. Alexan­dria, VA. 10/21/13. 



“Every­one I dealt with from Mar­shall Roof­ing was extremely pro­fes­sional.     The recep­tion­ist set up a time for an esti­mate and pro­vided me the name of the per­son who would be com­ing to the house.  That per­son arrived on time, checked out the sky­light and entire roof, explained exactly what needed to be done and pro­vided me an esti­mate.  Although the sky­light is 24 years old, he told me there was no sign the seal had bro­ken but if I wanted to replace it because of its age, he would pro­vide an esti­mate.   How­ever he in no way put any pres­sure on me to replace the sky­light.   He also said it would take approx­i­mately 2 weeks before the job could be done depend­ing on the weather.  When I made my deci­sion, I was put on the sched­ule and the work was com­pleted within that time frame.   I was not home when the repairs were made, but after inspect­ing the roof around the skyl­light, it appears to be well done and there was no mess left.   There have been a cou­ple of down pours since the work was done and there has been absolutely no sign of leak­age.  I’m very pleased with the ser­vice I received.” via Angie’s List — Pamela. Alexan­dria, VA. 8/22/13



“Mar­shall did an amaz­ing job with the work.  They were able to install a new roof on both house and garage in two days, new win­dows in the house in a 1/2 a day and then new sid­ing in 3 days.   They showed up on a Wednes­day and have EVERYTHING done by the next Tues­day.   Every­one who worked on the house did a fab­u­lous job, were very nice and cour­te­ous with me.    The win­dow guy even came back to help me with the blinds.   I would give this com­pany the high­est rank­ing. Great job. ” via Angie’s List — Terri. Alexan­dria, VA. 8/21/13



“Very highly rec­om­mend.” via Local Con­sumer Rat­ing Web­site. Alexan­dria, VA . 8/13/13



“They did an excel­lent job and did not leave mess around the prop­erty. The gut­ters do exactly what they are sup­pose to do.” via Angie’s List — Louise. Alexan­dria, VA. 8/1/13



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