Contest….Play to win $50 giftcard!

Show­case your roof­ing, sid­ing, win­dows, doors, car­pen­try, patio, sky­lights, and other trans­for­ma­tion jobs by Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & Windows and be entered to win a $50 gift card! *




We are look­ing for the best before and after pho­tos of jobs com­pleted by our com­pany! We are giv­ing away a $50 VISA gift card to one lucky winner!* Just email with your before and after pictures of any Marshall Roofing project before August 31st for your chance to win!! Include the date the project was completed, and your experience working with us! 



*Sub­mit your before and after pho­tos of work com­pleted by Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & Win­dows, for a chance to win a $50 Visa gift card. To sub­mit your entry email, or just reply to this newslet­ter. Include your pho­tos, date of com­ple­tion, work that was per­formed and show­cased in the pho­tos, your expe­ri­ence, and your con­tact information.  

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